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Partner Details

C.N. Rood provides knowledge and solutions to the educational, scientific and industrial institutes in the Benelux region. Our wide range of solutions varies from communication, video/CATV test-equipment and general test- & measurement-equipment to automatic identification products combined with consultancy, training and turnkey solutions including software development.
Spécialisation du produit
CN Rood are a full solution provider for the entire Tektronix and Keithley portfolio. This includes the latest Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes, Mixed Domain Oscilloscopes, Sampling Oscilloscopes, Signal Sources, Performance Signal Sources, Digital Multimeters, Source Measure Units, Logic Analyzers, Probes and accessories, Real Time Spectrum Analyzers, Diagnostics, USB Spectrum Analyzers, Arbitrary Waveform Generators, Power Analyzers, Parameter Analyzers and more.
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- Téléphone:+32(2)467 03 50
- Fax: +32(2)466 25 00
Pays de commercialisation
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden
Localisation des centres
Pays | Ville/état ou région | CONTACT |
Belgium | Zellik | Téléphone: +32(2)467 03 50 Fax: +32(2)466 25 00 |
Netherlands | Zoetermeer | Téléphone: +31(79)3600018 Fax: +31(79)3628190 |
Sweden | Upplands Väsby | Téléphone: +31 (0) 79 360 00 18 |